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A simple and convenient anti-aging solution that will broaden your current service menu and generate addition revenue stream to increase your bottom line.


 A Non-Surgical, Non-Needle Mesotherapy.


Elapromed’s exclusive Para-Medical-Aesthetic device is European designed and provides painless, non-invasive treatments utilizing proprietary Transdermalporation technology along with exclusive natural active compounds. Delivering results proven in clinical studies, elapromed ( and its complementary line of natural botanical compounds have been specifically created for cosmetic medical professionals and dermatologists, as well as medical spa aestheticians and naturopathic practitioners.


Virtually acting like an electronic syringe, this breakthrough technology enables the technician to fill lines and reduce wrinkles, pigmentation and even stretch marks.  It provides the proven results offered with traditional mesotherapy and/or micro-needling without the painful injections, bruising or downtime.


Per Blade Tiessen, Para-Medical Aesthetician and Trainer, “Never have I seen, in 28 years of professional skincare practice, such absolutely KILLER RESULTS from a non-invasive system, especially around the eyes, and with zero downtime.”


The formal name for this process is electroporation, a molecular biology technique in which an electrical field is applied to cells in order to increase the permeability of the cell membrane, thus allowing compounds (formulations) to be introduced into the cells.


Transdermalporation is our patented variation of electroporation.  This technique reorganizes the cells to open mesopores.  Scientific studies have shown that, via transdermalporation, mesopores are opened for a period of time ranging from 15 seconds to a few minutes. The diameter of the mesopores are between 40 – 250 microns, allowing elapromed technology to deliver 70 ml of compounds up to one-centimeter-deep into the skin within a half hour time frame. 


The concentration of delivered actives into the skin is approximately 99%. Unsurpassed in the absorption of stem cells and vital actives, elapromed is CSA approved and has been labeled as the most advanced European system for healthy anti-aging and skin rejuvenation.

Elapromed Transdermalporation (corrective) System

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